Media studies

AQA A-Level Media - Taylor Swift
Resources for the AQA Media A-Level Online, Social and Participatory Media CSP on Taylor Swift.
The package includes lesson slides and various resources. It also contains useful links and sources included in the lesson slides.
Some starters have been left blank to include your own retrieval activity. Screenshots of Swift’s online platforms and social media posts are from April 2024.
I hope this helps you save some planning time!

Radio CSP Bundle - AQA A-Level Media Studies - BBC R1: The Surgery & War of the Worlds (1938)
Resources for the Close Study Product 'BBC R1: The Surgery’ and 'War of the Worlds (1938) for the new-specification AQA A-Level Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the radio CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. Also included is a page of useful links for each CSP, including access to the text, institutional information and historical context. I’ve also included a small assessment on both CSPs.
Any feedback is greatly received!

War of the Worlds CSP - AQA A-Level Media Studies - Radio Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘War of the Worlds (1938)’ for the new-specification AQA A-Level Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. I’ve also included a file with useful links, including links to the full show and historical context.
Any feedback is greatly received!

BBC R1 The Surgery CSP - AQA A-Level Media Studies - Radio Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘The Surgery’ for the new-specification AQA A-Level Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. I’ve also included a file with useful links, including links to the full show, BBC information and basic information about the show.
Any feedback is greatly received!

AQA GCSE Media Exam Preparation Pack (TV Dramas)
This prep pack is for the 2018 AQA Media Studies GCSE on Serial TV Dramas. This pack was written to guide students into what they need to think about for their TV drama idea for either the mock or actual exam. This includes
Basic information
Narrative theory
The pilot episode
Practical tasks
It’s useful for students to take away, with the brief, and work on their pitch. The idea is that they can write in the book and the more they do, the better prepared they will be.

Music Video CSP Bundle - AQA GCSE Media Studies - One Direction & Arctic Monkeys
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘History’ and ‘I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor’ for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the music video CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, the role of video in reaching audiences and the relationship between producers and audiences.
Any feedback is greatly received!

Arctic Monkeys CSP - AQA GCSE Media Studies - Music Video Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor’ for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, the role of video in reaching audiences and the relationship between producers and audiences. I’ve also included a file with interesting links to share with your class for additional reading.
Any feedback is greatly received!

One Direction History CSP - AQA GCSE Media Studies - Music Video Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘History’ for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, the role of video in reaching audiences and the relationship between producers and audiences. I’ve also included a mini-assessment for students to complete at the end of the CSP.
Any feedback is greatly received!

Film Industry CSP Bundle - AQA GCSE Media Studies - Doctor Strange & I, Daniel Blake
Resources for the Close Study Products ‘Doctor Strange’ and ‘I, Daniel Blake’ for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resources cover the film industry, so there is no requirement to watch the full films.
The resources covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, production, promotion, exhibition and globalisation. In ‘I, Daniel Blake’, the resource also addresses questions to allow for the comparison of both film CSPs.
Also included is a flipped-learning style homework tasks, for students to complete in the run-up to covering the CSP.
Any feedback is greatly received!

I, Daniel Blake CSP - AQA GCSE Media Studies - Film Industry Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product ‘I, Daniel Blake’ for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resources cover the film industry, there is no requirement to watch the full film.
The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, production, promotion, exhibition and globalisation. The resource also addresses questions to allow for the comparison of both film CSPs.
Also included is a flipped-learning style homework task, for students to complete in the run-up to covering the CSP, and an information sheet with basic film information and links to promotional videos.
Any feedback is greatly received!

Doctor Strange CSP - AQA GCSE Media Studies - Film Industry Close Study Product
Resources for the Close Study Product 'Doctor Strange' for the new-specification AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The resources cover the film industry, there is no requirement to watch the full film.
The resource covers all areas of the CSP guidelines, with a variety of tasks and discussion points. This includes basic information, production, promotion, exhibition and globalisation. Also included is a flipped-learning style homework task, for students to complete in the run-up to covering the CSP.
Any feedback is greatly received!

Introduction to Podcasting
This lesson introduces students to podcasting. It explains what it is, examples and their audiences, and the process that goes into creating and listening to podcasts. There are also links to a radio and non-radio based podcast for students to listen to and compare.